Coach with Steph

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5 reasons why you should hire me as your life coach….

1- I certainly don’t have all of the answers, but I sure will ask some pretty interesting questions.

Questions like:
Why is that a problem? 
How is that thought not true? 
What if you did know what to do?  How do I want to feel today? 
What do I have to think to feel that? 
Questions you probably don’t think to ask yourself. 
Questions that can help you think about things differently.

2- I will help you become aware of your thoughts and feelings and show you the actions that you are taking from them…and what your result is.   In doing so, I will show you that you can think differently if you want to, therefore, your feelings, actions, and results will be different.  (If you choose not to change your thought, that’s fine, but at least you’ll know it is possible.)  

As an example:

Think about the times when your partner does something that you don’t like….they leave the toilet seat up, they don’t take the trash out, they don’t pick up their dirty socks, etc. Your “go-to” thoughts when this occurs is probably something like, “they think I’m the maid”, or “I have to do everything around here”! Those thoughts probably trigger you to feel angry, and when you feel angry, you might… argue with them, not speak to them, go to bed mad, overdrink, overeat, bitch about it to your mom/sister/best friend, etc.

And you probably think those thoughts every time they do something like that! I know I used to! 

What I can show you is that your partner doing those things is a 100% neutral circumstance.  You have a thought about their actions that is causing you to feel angry.  Unless they specifically say, “I am not taking this trash out because I think you’re the maid,” you have no idea what they are thinking.  You make that shit up in your head!! (It’s ok…you didn’t know that before.  We are not taught this stuff!)

You get to choose what thoughts you want to have about everything in life.  In the above examples, you can choose a thought that causes you to be angry, or you can choose a thought that causes you to be neutral.  You do have the ability to look at that toilet seat, trash, or dirty socks and think, “Huh, the toilet seat is up,” or “the trash needs to go out,” or “yup, there’s the socks again”...and feel either neutral or amused…something that feels nicer than angry. And from that feeling…you’ll probably have a much better time! I know which choice I would make!!

3- I am a source of accountability, and motivation, and I listen without judgment.   

4- I specialize in helping women, and I enjoy what I do!!

5- I’m very relatable, and while we are working together, we will have fun. Yes, we will talk about serious issues (and some not-so-serious), but that doesn’t mean every session will be gloomy. We can have fun together while exploring your life and get the results that you crave.

There are so many things in your life that you are in control of! You just don’t know it yet! Let me help you! Click on the link to set up your free 30-minute consultation today!!

I can’t wait to chat with you!!