Coach with Steph

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Practice, Practice, Practice

“Affection is like playing the piano and you can forget how to do it without practice.”
I read this quote in a novel last week and texted it to myself because it really resonated with me. While the author was talking specifically about affection with others, I took it as affection towards yourself. It is so easy to bash ourselves or treat ourselves unkindly because that is what we have practiced. Sad, but true. This week I am choosing to really show myself affection! I have set up my week by writing out my drink plan, journaling, and writing out my weekly goals. I will evaluate every day and I will 100% practice showing myself the affection I deserve! I challenge you all to do that as well!!!

Follow up:
I hemmed and I hawed, I procrastinated big time…but I got my 30-minute walk in! It’s cold and very windy but I am the person who does what she says she going to do!! (The redness is from the wind…next time I wear a scarf! Lol!)