Coach with Steph

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A true example of what coaching has done for me…

My friend, Val, hosts a camp every year called Camp GORGO.  It’s SO much more than a fitness camp…its a group of likeminded women coming together to do some crazy shit. But that’s not what this blog is about.

This blog is about me. LOL! 

I was reflecting today about the years I went to camp and how much I’ve changed since then, and I wanted to share.

The first time I got up the nerve to go was in 2019.  I was really struggling.  My husband and I were recovering from some really tough times in our marriage, my older son had gone across the country for college, and my younger son was a senior year in high school.  My identity for 20+ years had been “mom” and “wife,” and I was terrified because that was changing. 

I had “known” Val for a few years and was always too nervous to go camping alone.  But, in 2019, I really felt like it was something that I needed.  I had a very strong pull to the camp and what it represented, and I felt like i needed support from other women.

I did, however, have a lot of chatter in my brain. Things like, “they’re all going to be fitter than I am, they’re all going to know each other, and I’m going to be the outcast, they’re not going to like me because I can be “too much.” Blah, blah, blah…..

In hindsight, I recognize that the black jumpsuit I packed for the Saturday night gala reflected what I thought and felt about myself at the time. It was safe, and I could “hide” if I didn’t want anyone to see me.  It was plain and definitely not “too much.” Heck, the theme was “Yaas Queen,” and I didn’t even pack jewelry or a crown!

However, at the party on the last night, I felt safe.  I gladly accepted the crown that Val’s stepmom took off of her head and offered to me.  I didn’t hide. I got my ass out on the dance floor and didn’t think anyone thought I was “too much.”  I felt like Steph again (not a mom or a wife), knew I had amazing new friends, and felt ready for “more.”

It was about 2 months after that camp that an ad for a life coach popped into my FB feed (very creepy how that happens!). I applied to her program because I was ready for my next chapter.   

And, then, well….COVID.  

ALL of our lives changed.  But, I continued to work with my life coach.  Had my “ups” and “downs” wandered off the path sometimes but always got back on course.   My life changed…  I learned that my thoughts create my feelings.  I learned that I was responsible for the results in my life.  I learned how to (most of the time) put “Steph” first…and how to take care of her.  

Sadly, there was no camp in 2020… because of, well…fucking COVID.

Camp 2021, however, was on, and I was ready!  I was still working with my coach and was going to school to become a life coach myself.  I definitely felt more prepared this time.  I had friends there!  I was rooming with a super fun, like-minded friend and was excited about that.  I knew I was going to have fun!

(There were still some nerves and chatter about others being fitter and “better” at things than I was.  But definitely not as much.)  

I was feeling more confident in myself that year, and I think it shows in the orange jumpsuit and headband that I chose to wear. The theme that year was fire, and I was ready to be less safe and to stand out a bit more.  (Yet, still not too “out there.) 

I find this interesting now, so I will put it here…I ended up being disappointed in myself that year.  I had been regularly working out and thought I would kill it in the gym… especially in some of the strong-man activities.  And I didn’t perform as well as I thought I would.  I had put some expectations on myself that I didn’t realize until after the fact.  

Now comes camp 2022!  

After working with my coach for 2 years, becoming a life coach, working for my life coach, and starting my own coaching business….I felt like a different person!  I KNEW I was ready for the weekend; I KNEW it was going to have a fucking blast; I KNEW I was going to try my hardest in every activity, I KNEW I “belonged” there.  I KNEW not to put any expectations on myself because I am a human being.  Val asked me if I would run a group workshop, and I also KNEW that it was going to be amazing and everyone was going to get out of it what they needed.

Hence the black fake leather catsuit, heels, feathers, jewelry, makeup, and bling!!  If that doesn’t show how far I’ve come about how I feel about myself, nothing will!!  The theme was Warrior Queen, and when I shopped and packed for that gala, I was going for it, and I was excited!!  I couldn’t wait for Saturday night because I KNEW people would be shocked! 

And, yes…they were shocked!  LOL!  My two strong-man friends told me that the change in me from 2019 to the present was amazing and that they were so proud of me.  They couldn’t have said anything sweeter.  

(And, I won the GORGO girl crown that night too…I was shocked but very honored and proud!)

Do you see how important our thoughts and feelings are?

Do you see how my thoughts and feelings about myself changed everything?

This is SUCH a gift!!

I didn’t get thinner.

I didn’t get more muscular.

I certainly didn’t get younger, lol.

If you are open and ready…I can teach you that gift.  

Are you ready?

Click on my link and schedule your free 30-minute consultation today!

Let’s see if we are a good fit! 
