Accepting help is NOT cheating…

Last week my doctor prescribed some medication because I am insulin resistant and have struggled for years to lose weight.  My wonderful doctor told me that some new medications have recently come out, and she thinks I’m a good fit.  I hemmed and hawed for a minute, but then I decided to try it. 

The first week or so, I felt a bit “off” about this medication, so I decided to grab my journal and write out what I was thinking about it.  In my journaling, I realized that I thought I was cheating by taking this medication, so I decided to put that into an unintentional thought model. This is what it looks like.

Circumstance- new medication
Thought- I am cheating by taking it.
Feeling- shame
Actions- ruminate about it, tell myself I don’t need it, consider stopping taking it, try to hide the medication (this is tough because it has to be refrigerated and our fridge is tiny!), don’t tell Greg what it is, beat myself up for wanting to try it,
Result- I’m cheating myself.  I cheat myself out of trying something that could help.  I cheat myself out of the support of my husband.  I cheat myself out of peace by talking badly to myself. 

That is most definitely not what I want! 

I think about it a little more and ask myself, who else am I cheating?  How does my taking this medication affect anyone else but me? I am being offered a different way to try something. How is that a bad thing?

The answers are no one, no one, and it isn’t.

Wow, so eye-opening!!  I “suffered” for a week and all I had to do was use the tools I have to figure it out. 

Ok, now that I am aware of this, I can write an intentional model with a new thought that I believe and like much better.

Circumstance- new medication
Thought- I have been given an opportunity to try something new.
Feeling- optimistic
Action- stop fucking ruminating about it, decide to give it the time to work that my doctor and I discussed, tell Greg what I’m doing and show him the meds in the fridge, relax and see what happens
Result- I accept the opportunity and chill the fuck out!

So mind-blowing!!! 

I’d like you to take a minute and reflect.  Are there things you are not accepting help with because you think it’ll be cheating?  Maybe its a new medication.  Maybe it’s someone offering to babysit.  Maybe it’s wanting to get your food delivered.  Maybe it’s wanting to hire someone to clean your house.  I’m sure you can think of at least one or two things!

Grab a pen and paper and write it all out!!  Who are you cheating?  How does this affect anyone else?  How is it a bad thing to want to try something new? Do you want to continue thinking that way?

I feel this will be as eye-opening for you as it was for me.  (And I coach this stuff!! LOL!) I hope you take the time to do it! 

Feel free to respond with questions or to let me know what you learned about yourself!  I’d love to get feedback from you!

Also, let me know how I can help you by responding or clicking on the link to schedule your free 30-minute (no obligation) consultation today.  I’d love to speak with you!


I’m a homebody..


Christmas Travels..