Coach with Steph

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Bullshit and the blues…

I went to the gym the other day for the first time in over a week. 

I didn’t want to do it….because:

It was really rainy and windy out

I have a bit of the post-holiday blues

I put it off from yesterday and started to tell myself that I already blew it and might as well take the rest of the week off.

I told myself I had too much work to do

Blah, blah, blah

I called bullshit on myself, got up from my desk, and grabbed my shoes; while putting on my shoes, I told Greg it was the last thing I wanted to do, grabbed my water bottle/headphones/phone, and walked out the door. 

SO glad I did! I had a pretty decent workout, and I felt so much better afterward.

I am writing to remind you that sometimes we have to call ourselves on our own bullshit. There are times when we should give ourselves a break, and there are times when we are just telling ourselves fibs. We usually know the difference if we stop and think about what we are doing and why we are doing it.

I am also writing this to acknowledge that the post-holiday blues, post-vacation blues, and post-family visit blues..etc are very real and very common. It’s okay, nothing has gone wrong. The key is what we do in response. Laying around and doing nothing usually doesn’t make us feel any better. In fact, it sometimes makes us feel worse because we start beating ourselves up about the things that we aren’t doing. We start to feel worse mentally and physically.

When we have these blues, we can help ourselves to feel better by doing one thing..then another…then another.

I knew I would feel better once I got out and went to the gym. I knew that moving my body is exactly what I needed, even though my brain was trying to tell me otherwise.

I knew that after I did that, the next thing would be easier….today I will go to the gym and for a short walk in the sunshine.

Soon, I will be back into my normal daily routine because I started with one thing instead of trying to do them all. I chose to take action to feel better.

Maybe your one action is to drink your 64 ounces of water. We tend to let ourselves get dehydrated when we are busy, and that takes a toll on us mentally and physically.

Maybe the next day, you drink your water, and you go for a walk around the block.

Maybe the next day, you drink your water, go for a walk around the block and add in some journaling time. 

Choose to take action to feel better.  I promise you it can be done even if your brain is trying to tell you otherwise. 

I can help you to make this choice. 
I can help you see that it can be done! 
I can help you identify the bullshit.
I can help you get out of the post-holiday/vacation/family visit blues.

Click on the link to schedule your free 30 minute consultation today!

I’m here for you! 

PS-My trainer gives her clients a chance to turn a tank from her every quarter. I’ve been training with her for three years, and I haven’t missed one in those three years. I'm not going to start now!!!