Camp Gorgo

I went to an annual camp last weekend and did some amazing things. I had some successes and I had some failures, for example, the yoke carry. The one that I actually picked up and carried (a few steps..but I got it) was 305 lbs….the one with the ladies on the chairs actually weighed about 295. What happened? Why couldn’t I pick it up and carry it if it was less? Because of my thoughts. I totally psyched myself out and told myself that there is no way in hell I could carry these two ladies. I tried…which is great, but that thought definitely had the result of me not being able to carry them. At the beginning of my journey, I had a similar struggle with my drink plan. Some days it was SO easy…I was SO on point….and other days it was SO hard…felt damned near impossible!! I have learned since then that it is all in how I thought about it. Think and believe I can do it…I do it. Think and tell myself I can’t do it…I don’t do it. I did struggle with my thoughts a bit after my fail…but the instructors, Kevin and Cody, helped me get my thoughts in check. They were like “how many people lifted 305 lbs today! Be proud!” And, you know what? I was! After this, I walked up to a 155lb bar and did my heaviest deadlift ever…because I 100% believe I could do it!!! Believe in yourselves ladies! Stretch your limits, stretch your goals! Yes, there will be failures but that’s ok! You will learn from those failures! And, we will support you! There are so many people that aren’t even trying!!! Remember that! We are doing it!!!!!!


Dirty Dishes


Getting Testy