I gave myself permission….

I gave myself permission to not do my daily routines over the Thanksgiving weekend.

I usually start my week off by writing my goals for the week and plugging things into my calendar. I’m working on being more organized, so that has been very helpful.

Last Monday, I did precisely that. With the intention of sticking to my routine and doing the things that I put on my calendar.

Monday through Wednesday went as I had planned. I honored my drink plan, made a food plan each day, and followed it at least 85% daily; I either went to the gym or for a walk for at least 30 minutes, journaled, did daily evaluations, wrote my blog posts and I cooked dinner two nights out of the three days. Everything was on point.

And then Thanksgiving Day came….and it all went to hell. (LOL)

Not, really…what really happened was that I gave myself permission to not follow my plans Thursday through Sunday.
I gave myself permission to not make a food plan, and as long as I only ate when I was hungry and stopped when I was satisfied, then I was good.
I gave myself permission to have two extra drinks over the weekend.
I gave myself permission not to do the daily evaluations or journal if I didn’t want to.
I gave myself permission to not go to the gym as long as I got some kind of movement every day.
I gave myself permission to stay up “too late” because I was watching movies with my son.
I gave myself permission not to write my blog post on Sunday because I was enjoying putting a puzzle together with my son and his friends.

I was able to give myself permission to do these things because I knew that I would have my own back and that I would not beat myself up over it. I’ve learned over the last couple of years to make a decision and own it. I made my decisions, and I am not looking back and thinking that I “should” have done anything differently.

Yes…I’m a little this Monday morning, yes…the scale may have gone up a bit… yes…I didn’t get my gym workouts in…., but it's okay!

It is all ok because I also knew that I would get back to it today.
I knew I wouldn't let it snowball or get out of control.
I 100% trusted that this morning I would write out my drink plan and my goals, plug the things into my calendar, and get back to my routines.

My goals for the week are:
Honor my drink plan every day
Make a food plan every day
Honor the daily food plans at least 85% every day
Get all three gym workouts in
Get at least 30 minutes of movement every day
Do daily evaluations
Journal daily
Write at least three blog posts
Cook dinner at least five nights

Notice how I am not doing any cleanses, crash diets, extreme workouts, etc. I am not “punishing” myself for last week because there is nothing to punish. I simply made some decisions not to do some things.

I am setting myself up for success. These are my “typical” weekly goals. These are the goals that I know I can do at least 95% (I am not shooting for perfection! I am a human!). I am making it easy on myself this week to get the win.

This is what giving yourself permission to do something and having your own back looks like.

I am SO glad that I have these skills now, and I wish for you to have them as well.

How are you speaking to yourself today?
Do you have your own back, or are you beating yourself up?
Are you planning on doing anything extreme to “make up for it”?

If you have drama in your brain, then click on the link to schedule your free 30-minute session today! I want to help you sort it out!

Have you made your goals for the week?
Don’t know where to start?

Click on the link, and let’s make them together!

I am here for you!!


Making mistakes..


It’s ok to cry…