Coach with Steph

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I’m a homebody..

I’m a homebody, and I know it.
(In my head, I am singing this to the tune of “I’m sexy, and I know it.” LOL!)

Something else I know is that for my best interest, there are times when I need to schedule walks outside, or I won’t leave my apartment for days.

This week is one of those times.  My husband left yesterday for a week-long business trip and based on past experiences, this could be a week where I would not leave this apartment AT ALL.

I would stay in sweats, work from my couch until 4 pm or so, eat things from the pantry and freezer, and after my work time, I’d work on my jigsaw puzzle for a bit, watch tv a bit and then go upstairs to read at about 9 pm. 

I wouldn’t see or talk to anyone in person for a week.  Other than stepping out onto my terrace now and then, I wouldn’t get fresh air all week.  

You may think that this sounds lovely!  Especially if you are not an empty nester like I am.  You may be thinking…what’s the problem, Steph?

Well, the problem is that I also know that if I allow myself to do this all week, I won’t feel great come Saturday.  My body will feel sluggish, and my brain will feel foggy.  You probably all know what that feels like…after experiencing the lockdowns during the height of the pandemic.  

I know the lack of fresh air, and human interaction just isn’t good for me.  

So, what do I do?  

I plan my week with purpose.  

On Monday morning, I plan out my week in my calendar. 

- I put my workouts on my calendar and set the alarm to go off 30 minutes before that scheduled time.  

- I put walks on my calendar…to go out and walk at least 30 minutes every day and set the alarm to go off 30 minutes before that scheduled time.  

- I choose at least one new recipe to try and schedule the time to go to the store for the ingredients and set the alarm to go off 30 minutes before that scheduled time.

Do you see a pattern here? 

I don’t see being a homebody as a problem, but I do see that isolating myself is not good for me mentally and physically.  And I have learned the right actions to take and how to plan for them to protect myself. 

They’re not big massive actions to change who I am.

That is not necessary.

However, they are minor tweaks that I made to help me feel my best.  

Is there something like this that you recognize about yourself? 

Is there something you’d like to tweak to help you feel your best?

Or, maybe you don’t feel your best but are having difficulty recognizing what can be tweaked.

I can help you with all of it!

Click on the link to schedule your free 30 minute chat today! I can help!!
Feel free to leave me comments below! I’d love to hear from you!