Coach with Steph

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It’s ok to cry…

My oldest son shared something wonderful with me today, and I wanted to share it here.

We were in the car, and we were listening to one of his many playlists on Spotify, and he asked if he could introduce me to a new song that he had fallen in love with. Obviously, I said yes….music is very big in our family. The four of us are constantly sharing new artists and music with each other.

Before he started the song, he said that this particular one really moved him. When he listens to it and sings he gets choked up. He turned the song on, and it was really cool-sounding.

The chorus from the song:
“I remember how it was before
If you’ve got it anymore
If you ever really cared at all
Then say so ‘cause I’m sick of being on my own
If you need me, won’t you let me know?”
2008 by Cleopatrick

After the first chorus, he turned to me with tears streaming down his face saying that he used to listen to this song over and over and cry when he and his brother were going through a rough time. They couldn’t be in the same room together, never mind actually talking to each other.

He was hurting and really wanted his brother by his side, but he just didn’t know how to tell him that.

Well, I can assure you that my mommy heart just broke for a minute there. Knowing that he had been feeling so alone…even though they were living in the same house at the time. He did not know how to say what he was feeling.

This son was never really emotional. He was always loving but not super affectionate and held things pretty close to his chest.

I cried while we listened to the rest of the song.

I cried from sadness because I knew he was really hurting during that time and just didn’t know how to tell anyone.

I cried because he and his brother have since reconciled and constantly hang out with each other or call or text.

I cried because he was showing emotion. He was crying. He was sharing. He was feeling his feelings, and he knew that it was ok. He was not trying to mask them, shake them away, or pretend that they weren’t there. He was crying and letting it all come out.

I cried because I was really fucking proud of him for all of that.

I cried because I was so grateful that he shared that with me. 

I rubbed his shoulder while he and I both cried. 

I cry now as I write this because it was all so very special.

Afterward, I thanked him for sharing that with me.  For being so vulnerable and open with me. 

I felt very blessed.

And, very grateful that he shared. 

This is a reminder that you are not alone.

This is a reminder that it is ok to feel and show your emotions.

This is a reminder that I am here for you and want to help.

Click on the link to schedule your free 30 minute consultation. 

I am here for you.
