Coach with Steph

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Making mistakes..

Let’s talk about mistakes today.

But first….
What exactly is a mistake?

Here is the definition from Webster’s Dictionary- a wrong action or statement proceeding from faulty judgment, inadequate knowledge, or inattention

It doesn’t seem that bad….but

What do you say to yourself when you make a mistake?
What do you think?
What do you feel?
What do you do?

A typical thought that I had when I made a mistake was:
I really fucked that up.

And that made me feel guilty.

Guess what I would do when I thought I fucked up and felt guilty?

More things that I would feel guilty about.

I drank too much and ate too much food; I pulled away from my husband and kids; I isolated myself; I didn’t do my workout, scrolled on social media instead of doing the things that I had planned to do, ruminated on the mistake, didn’t put myself “out there” because I was afraid I’d make a mistake…etc etc

Which meant….I was fucking up. (Basically fucking myself over by doing things that didn’t serve me.)

See how that works?

I didn’t want to tell myself that I fucked something up. I didn’t want to feel guilty because I made a mistake. I didn’t want to be afraid to make mistakes.

So what did I do?

Through life coaching, I learned to recognize when I was thinking and feeling that. I learned how to pause and process what was going on. I learned that I could change my behaviors by changing my thoughts.
I tried different thoughts until I found some that I knew weren’t bullshit and that I could believe.

What I choose to think now are things like:
This mistake is an opportunity to grow.
I will learn something from this mistake.
This mistake doesn’t say anything about me as a person.

And with those thoughts, I feel much better about the mistake and take actions that will benefit me. I am gentle with myself and allow myself to learn and grow.

I 100% know that I am not alone here. I 100% know that many women are scared to make mistakes. I know 100% that many women think they fucked up when they make mistakes. I 100% know that many women are fucking themselves up today. All because they don’t know better!

I also 100% know that it does not have to be this way and that I can help you! Click on the link and schedule your free 30-minute consultation today! Let me show you that it is ok to make mistakes!

Let me help you feel better!!! xoxo