Coach with Steph

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My word for 2023…

Some of you will think this blog is really “out there,” and some of you will know exactly what I am talking about.  For you “out there” friends….I used to feel the same way.  But since I’ve been introduced to workshops like this, I have become a “believer”!

Here we go…

Last week I attended a workshop called “Embody Your Word 2023 that was run by the awesome coach, Sarah Trapkus.  And man was it powerful!!

The first step was to find a cozy, quiet place and listen to an audio journey.  This point of this journey was to help me visualize last year, the “in-between” and the “unknown.”  It sounded awesome, so I got a blanket, silenced the notifications on my devices, closed the blinds, and laid down on my guestroom bed. I was ready!

I’ve tried visualization techniques a few times and have a hard time “seeing” things, and that’s ok because I usually feel “something.” Every experience has been different, and I 100% expected this one to be as well.  And it was, this time, I felt, and I saw something. 

During the first segment, when I focused on this past year,  the “light” behind my eyelids got dark, and my body was awash with sadness.  It had been an emotional year, especially in the beginning, and I was definitely feeling it. 

When asked in that segment what I wanted to leave behind, it was definitely that sadness. I wanted to let it go, and with the help of the audio, I was able to release it.  When asked what I wanted to bring with me into the new year, it was definitely the knowledge, strength, and compassion (for myself and others)  that I have learned through the past year. 

So, then the audio moved into the “in-between,” and I have to be honest with you.  I’m not exactly sure what happened here!  I was kind of drifting and had tears running down my face when all of a sudden, I heard Sarah ask if I saw my word…when she asked that, the word TRUST popped into my brain.  I swear I visually saw it! I was excited because I thought that was a good word!

Work on trusting myself!  Work on trusting the people in my life! Yes! This is awesome!

The audio then moved to where I was supposed to receive three gifts from the universe in the “in-between.”    I only received one, but it was beautiful and amazing.    It was my oldest son telling me that I could trust him, that he was doing his best and that he was not going to give up.

I swear to you…I didn’t exactly see him, but I saw a big dark shape and heard those words in my head, and I 100% knew it was him. 

Now I was really excited with my word and ready to go on with the rest of the workshop.  
Well, in the live workshop, Sarah did another mediation/visualization exercise where I was going to be able to feel the energy of my word and see what else I could learn from it.  And this part was even more interesting than the first! 

When she started leading me through the exercise, I was so excited to feel what TRUST felt like.  I was expecting bright light and power.  However, that is not what was in store for me.  The light behind my eyes got dark again, and my head started to shake back and forth, back and forth.  The energy felt very frantic!   It was as if my brain was saying, “Nope, don’t like this word.  I don’t believe it.” And then it was like a steel door closed right in front of my eyes, and that was it.  I didn’t see anything else.  Sarah continued with the meditation, but my brain was done…it wouldn’t cooperate anymore. 

When I came out of the meditation, my first thought was, “I saw the wrong word!”   But it felt like the right word when it came through.

Needless to say, I was a little confused. 

Thankfully, I got to speak with Sarah about it and tell her what I experienced.  I could identify what had happened by talking to her (and with some help from my coach, Angela).  My brain and body had a visceral reaction to the word TRUST!  My brain did its “thing” and searched for all of the evidence from the past when I had been mistrustful of myself or when others had been mistrustful towards me.

It looked for all of the times I had lied to myself and when others had lied to me.  My brain was trying to save me the energy of believing that I could find trust, and it was kind of telling me  not to bother!  So interesting!! 

That’s what our brains do; it tries to save us the “pain” of making changes.  It tries to save us the pain of trying and failing.  It tries to convince us that the best thing to do is just to stay where we are.  However, we are in  “pain” because we are stagnant, closed off to new experiences, and don’t challenge our beliefs. 

But we don’t have to believe it!  We do have choices!

I could choose to believe that it’s not worth the effort to focus on TRUST in the new year.  I could choose not to work on trusting myself and others.  I could choose to ignore what I saw and choose a new word. 

Or, I could choose to keep the word TRUST and accept my brain’s challenge. 

That is what I am deciding to do because  I felt very strongly when this word came to me and I absolutely felt very strongly when my son “came to me,” and TRUST is what I am choosing to work on this year. 
And I TRUST that I am making the right decision!!

This takes work and this takes practice. This is not something that we are taught.  I can help you realize that you can make these choices too! 

I can help you to be unapologetically YOU!

Click on the link and schedule your free 30 minute consultation today!

I can help!