Normal or Common?

I was having a conversation with my chiropractor today, and it prompted me to pause and think a bit.  I asked him if it is normal that my ankles are really stiff when I first get up in the morning.  Makes it a bit difficult to walk at first. 

He said, “Steph, it is very common…but it is not normal.  We can work on that.”

I looked at him and was like….” you’re right!”

I had convinced myself that it was normal…because I was getting older, because I’m hard on my body…because, because, because. I hadn’t thought to think of it any other way until I asked him.

On my walk home, I started thinking about the things that I used to think were normal and have since realized are common.

I used to think it was normal to drink a martini and at least half a bottle of wine a night. 

I used to think it was normal to feel like I was always being stretched to my limit.

I used to think it was normal for women to constantly bitch about their husbands to each other.

I used to think it was normal to tell everyone how extremely tired I was all of the time because I had to do so much every day.

These are the types of things that years ago I thought were SO normal!

Through life coaching, I have realized they aren’t the least bit normal. They were all EXTREMELY common in my geographic area and with most of the people I surrounded myself with. But, they were most definitely not normal.

Telling ourselves something is normal is taking responsibility away from ourselves. We tell ourselves things like, “Everyone does it, so it’s ok.” Most of the time, we know this is total bullshit, but we give ourselves the pass because we say it’s normal.

I was definitely giving myself a lot of passes…I definitely didn’t want to take responsibility!

However, now I have the knowledge. I don’t tell myself that it’s ok because others are doing it. I have taken back responsibility for the things that I do or don’t do.

I don’t drink like that anymore; I joined a coaching program that helped me to stop doing that. My eyes are wide open, and I recognize that was definitely not normal.

I don’t take on so many tasks that I feel stretched to the limit. Running around like a chicken without a head and feeling like I was “behind” all of the time was not normal.

I avoid conversations that involve bitching about husbands. I still get coached on my thoughts about my husband at times. But bitchfests are not normal…and they’re fucking annoying!

I don’t bitch and moan about how tired I am or that I have to do everything. Because I know that if I am tired, it’s because of choices I’ve made and that I don’t have to do anything that I don’t want to do. And…no one wants to hear it anyway!! LOL!

I hope this opened your eyes a little bit. I hope it has prompted you to ask yourselves some questions, like:

What stories am I telling myself?
What am I using “normal” as an excuse to not take responsibility for?
What am I telling myself that “everyone” is doing, so it’s ok?

If these are things that you don’t like, then you can change them.

Click on the link to schedule your free 30-minute consultation, and let me show you how!

I’m here to help! xo


Bullshit and the blues…


Making mistakes..