Not so little things…

My husband doesn’t empty the “catcher” in the sink & it used to drive me absolutely CRAZY! It’s something that, in the past, I’d spin out about all day long! Oh boy….did I have thoughts in my head about this & ALL of the reasons why he didn’t empty it.
He doesn’t respect me. He thinks I’m his maid. He’s clueless. He doesn’t love me. He’s inconsiderate. He thinks because he works outside of the home that, he doesn’t have to do anything when he gets home. He always wants me to pick up after him. Etc etc. Guess what? These thoughts made me feel like crap. They made me angry, sad, disappointed, frustrated…. downright grouchy! It really wasn’t pleasant for either one of us, when I felt that way, I did not treat him very kindly, nor did I treat myself kindly. I would empty it…but there would be a lot of huffing and puffing, sighing, and mumbling under my breath. 

Why don’t I act this way anymore? Because one day, I decided to act like a grown-up and ask him (nicely) why he didn’t empty it. His answer is, “because it really makes me gag when I touch it.” I was like, “Huh. Really? It’s only food. It doesn’t bother me at all!”  My point? The reason he didn’t empty it had NOTHING to do with me! I had run all of these stories around in my head for the longest time (and caused myself misery), and not one of them was true. Fancy that! So what happened after that conversation? He leaves it in the sink, and I empty it….it really is that simple. (Sometimes birds fly into our sliding doors and die on our terrace…he gets to pick those up! LOL!)

I wanted to post this because maybe  there are thoughts swirling in your head around something like that and the person or people that are involved. Maybe, if you stop and have a discussion, it won’t be such a big deal. Maybe it’s something that you can easily change your thoughts on. Maybe it's not. I can help you work through stuff like this. I promise you it’s not too “small” or “petty.” This is real-life shit, it affects you and those around you. Click my link and schedule a free consultation. We can work through this stuff together!


No fuck’s given..


It’s ok to be scared