Coach with Steph

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Oh those thoughts!!!

“It’s November, for Pete’s sake!”
“I don’t have the fucking time for this”!
“My mom is visiting for a week!”
“Alex is coming home two weeks after that!”
“I have other things that I have to figure out first!”

I am in a Business Mastermind group with my Life Coach, and these are the first thoughts that popped into my head when she gave me my 30-Day Challenge.  The challenge?  Write one blog post a day for 30 days.  Needless to say, I was not expecting that challenge, and I was not very happy about it. 

Sooo, I have those thoughts in my head (and probably many more that were less clear…but still there, lol!)....what do you think I did?  Did I sit down and get started?


Since that challenge was presented I…

Declared out loud that I was not going to start until November 1st (the challenge was presented to me on October 25th)

Went and got a facial

Cleaned my apartment from top to bottom

Went and got a pedicure and a manicure

Went to the gym and spent at least 90 minutes there

Drove 2 hours to visit my mother

Went to a Halloween party

Took many walks through Central Park

Ruminated that I still needed to start the challenge!

And….many things in between!!!!!!

Do you see the problem here? I didn’t have the time to sit down for 1 hour in the past six days, but I had the time to do all of these other things. This, my friends, is a great example of the power of our minds. The power of our thoughts! My thoughts were causing me to feel annoyed and overwhelmed. I 100% believed I did not have the time for this challenge! And, because I believed the story in my head….I did not sit down and write any blogs….but I sure did have the time to do many other things!!  I think this is so eye-opening!!!  My brain presented me with a story, it was trying to save me from feeling uncomfortable, so it “saved” me by telling me those thoughts, and therefore, I did other things!  But…did it really “save” me?  I’m guessing you have figured out the answer to that.  NOPE! It did not save me one bit! LOL!  It helped me to procrastinate; it helped me to avoid thinking about it at times…but I still have this challenge in front of me (it didn’t magically disappear).  But that is OK!!!!  I wasn’t ready to do it at that time.  I wasn’t ready to do it until today, and that is perfectly fine.  It wasn’t an emergency.  I am ready to take it on now, and I am looking forward to the challenge!

I am sharing this because the big difference between where I am today and where I was three years ago is that I am aware. I am aware that:

The holidays, my mom visiting, my son visiting, and all of the other things that I want to do are not what kept me from starting my blog posts before today. What stopped me was my thoughts about it….which drove my feelings…which drove my actions…which resulted in me “not having the time.” In fact, a friend who was presented with the same challenge started her posts right away. She works full-time, has a side hustle selling tea, has family obligations…and many other things I don’t know about. And…she had the time! LOL!!

This is important because I don’t have to wait until November is over, until my mom goes home, my son has come and gone, and I don’t have to figure those other things out before I can sit down and write the blogs! If I think….. “I absolutely have the time to do this,” “I 100% want to do this challenge”, “This is going to be fun,”....etc etc…the blogs will get done! And I believe all of these things now!!!

Isn’t this all just so fascinating and eye-opening?! We don’t have to wait for the “perfect” time to do something (face it…there’s always something going on); more often than not, we have more time than we realize we have… So much of it really is how we are thinking!! I know this may be a new concept for you. Or, maybe you’ve been introduced to it but don’t quite believe it. Let’s chat about it!

Click on the link above to schedule a free 30 minute consultation. Let’s talk about the things that are going on in your life! I’d love to help you!! xoxo