Coach with Steph

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Warrior Queen!!!!!!

I just had to most AMAZING weekend and I wanted to share it with you all!!
Camp GORGO 2022…what a whirlwind and fucking amazing weekend. I usually start with posting pictures from Day 1 but I am going to go backwards this time because these fucking amazing, bad ass, beautiful women elected me as this year’s GORGO girl and I couldn’t be prouder!
My desire each year at camp is to push myself, try new things, live in the moment, work my body and mind, take it all in, talk to as many people as I possible can, dance my ass off at the gala, cheer on others, offer hugs, a shoulder and an ear to anyone that needs it. This year I also got to the pleasure and honor of leading a session to these amazing women truly believe how amazing they are!!
Every year this weekend gets better and better and I leave with my heart and soul full!! I’m tired, sore AF…and probably a bit dehydrated! But,I had the time of my life!!! I love, admire and cherish every single one of you!! Thank you for letting me be me and still loving me for it!!!
I was going to try to explain Camp GORGO a little bit more, but I don’t think I can say it any better than the creator….my friend and trainer, Valerie Nicklas Solomon…so I’m going to quote her:
“It’s a safe space for women to be just exactly who they are and be endlessly supported. We celebrate strength. We celebrate growth. We celebrate trying. We learn new things about fitness, wellness, mindset, but most importantly we develop relationships that enrich our lives.
In short, it’s an epic girls weekend for like minded women. …Women who want to live all in.
I never know exactly how things will play out or exactly what the take always will be. I just create the space, the opportunity, invite women to this tribe… and wait. And every year…. Magic 👑.”

It is total magic!! I cannot wait until next year!! I want every single one of you to have experiences like this!! I want all of you to believe in yourselves and celebrate the amazing women that you are!! I can help you believe!!!! Click on my link or DM me to schedule a chat and let's talk about it!! Let me help you!!!