A blog inspired by M&Ms and a friend…

Life can be full of little pleasures.
Ones that seem so simple, yet they add such joy.

We often don't take the time for these little pleasures.
We often think we are too busy.
We often think they are frivolous.
We often think they aren’t “allowed.”

We put others' needs before our own.

We think it is indulgent to plan these daily pleasures.
Why does “indulgent” always have a negative connotation?
Who says we can’t indulge ourselves?
One of my daily pleasures (aka, indulgence) is a bit of M&Ms.
Now, this is kind of new to me.  

I used to think that there was no way I "could" or "should" eat M&Ms every day.
I thought they were once a week, at the most, kind of thing.
Who would allow themselves such an indulgence every day?

That was until recently, when I went on a retreat with my coach and some other wonderful ladies.  Our coach provided the food for us during that retreat, and there were salads, salmon cakes, Mike’s Killer bread, turkey, ham, cheese…you get the picture. 
But she also provided chips and cookies; I think there was some kind of chocolate/almond bark.  

In addition, I had purchased a shareable bag of M&Ms because I was in the mood for them at the airport.  And a friend also happened to bring a big bag of peanut M&Ms.

I believe we all enjoyed all the things provided to us; I was into the M&Ms more than anything.  LOL!

I remember at one point saying something like,” I enjoy M&Ms so much, but I don’t usually eat them every day.  I don’t keep them in my apartment; otherwise, I’d eat them all the time.” 

And, that is when the friend who brought the peanut M & Ms told us that she eats a small bag daily. 

I’m pretty sure I was like, “What?!  You do?! You actually allow yourself to do that?”

She said that she absolutely does. 
Having them every day makes her happy.

Woah!!  That’s ok?  Are we allowed to do that?!

Since that trip, I have kept a shareable bag of M&M’s in my apartment. 
I allow myself to enjoy them when I am in the mood. 
I put them in this cute little dish (it's a soy sauce dish for sushi..but it is pretty and the perfect size), sit down on the couch, and intentionally eat them one by one. 

I do this, and I enjoy every single one.

*I am able to enjoy them because they are not “taboo”!
(There are no good or bad foods….there is only food!)

*I am also able to do this because I have learned that being intentional (with M&Ms, cocktails, French fries, etc) keeps me from over indulgences because I am blindly eating (or drinking).

These two things make all of the difference in the world!

I get all of the joys out of these pleasures without the shitty should-haves or shouldn't haves!
(Should have stopped, should have eaten something else, shouldn't have planned a drink, blah blah blah.)

The pleasures (indulgences) we don’t allow ourselves to have do not just apply to food and drink. 
They are in all aspects of our lives:

The walk that we don’t allow ourselves to take because we are too busy.
The meditation that we don’t make time for because something else came up.
The workout that we miss because we put someone else’s needs in front of our own.
The bubble bath that we don’t allow ourselves to take because we couldn’t possibly relax with so much going on.

I could go on and on and on!!

So, what's a little pleasure you haven't allowed yourself to enjoy?
What's the chatter behind why?
Why are you not allowing yourself that bit of joy?
What is keeping you from indulging?

I'd love to discuss this with you!
Dropping the taboo mentality and living intentionally can help with all of these things!
It’s ALL in what we are telling ourselves!!

Want to have more pleasure and joy in your life?

Click on the link to schedule your free 30-minute consultation today!

Let's see if we are a good fit to work together!



Motivation, inspiration, desire…and lack thereof..


A true example of what coaching has done for me…