Motivation, inspiration, desire…and lack thereof..

I keep track of my workouts on my calendar by marking them with little black hearts. I looked back at my month so far and realized I only missed one planned workout.   

That is pretty exciting to me!

I put all my workouts/walks on my calendar at the beginning of the month, and I was determined to complete them!  (Like most people, I allowed myself to get off course throughout the holiday months, but I was ready to be consistent again!)

So, how did I manage this miraculous achievement? (LOL!)

Was I feeling motivated, inspired, and/or filled with desire all month to go to the gym or out for my walks?

We think we need to have these all of the time in order to achieve our goals.

We think that successful people have at least one of these things all of the time.

Well, I am here to tell you that is bullshit.

It’s not possible to feel these things all of the time.

It’s not normal to feel these things all of the time.  

Sometimes we have all three in abundance (and man, do we feel awesome!), sometimes, we only have two (still able to get it done), and sometimes we only have one (a bit more difficult, but we do it).  

However, there are times when:

Motivation wanes,
Inspiration fizzles,
desire just goes kaput.

It happens to EVERYONE!!

I definitely had ALL of these feelings at times, one or two at times….and none of them at times.  

Times when I couldn’t wait to throw my sneakers on and do my scheduled workout.

Times when I hemmed and hawed and procrastinated until it was almost too late to go.

Times when I downright did not want to go.

So, how did I achieve the goal of getting all of my workouts done?
I was intentional about getting it done this month!
I knew that I wanted to do it and knew that I was more than capable!
I looked back at the goals that I had set for myself.
I pondered why I made those goals in the first place.

(Let me segue a bit here.  When we make goals for ourselves, we usually make them from our prefrontal cortex.  The part of our brain that makes “smart” decisions.  When we make them from this place, we make them from a “clean” mindset.  The mindset that REALLY knows what we want to achieve.  If only we could stay in the “clean” mindset, but lo and behold, we do not.  The “problems” arise when we are in our daily life, and we are hit with obstacles…like rainy days when we don’t want to get off the couch, dinner parties that come up after we’ve made a zero-drink plan, etc, etc. These are the times when you need to dig deep and be intentional about what you really want.)

Now…back to what I was saying…

I looked at all of the little black hearts I had already earned.
I asked myself how I would feel if I did it.
I asked myself how I would feel if I didn’t do it.

More often than not, stopping and checking in with myself helps me to refocus on what it is I really want.  It helped me to push away the urge not to do what I said I’d do. 

It’s not that I got hit by a lightning bolt that was made of motivation, inspiration, and desire!

It’s because I wanted to honor the commitment that I made to myself.
It’s realizing that I could honor those commitments when feeling uninspired, unmotivated, and having a sheer lack of desire. 
It’s remembering that most of the time, I felt 10x better after I did it.

You all can do that too!

Whether it’s getting your workout in, honoring your drink plan, honoring your food plan, writing your blog, setting up your website, etc., etc., etc.  

You can do any and all of these things (and more) even if your brain is telling you that you can’t or that it doesn’t matter.  You CAN, and it DOES matter!
You can do any and all of these things (and more) even if you aren’t “feeling it.”
You do not have to wait to feel motivated, inspired, or have the desire.

I can teach you how to do this!
I can teach you how to honor the commitments that you made to yourself!

It IS possible to achieve your goals no matter how big or small!

Click on the link above and schedule your free 30-minute consultation.

Let’s see if we are a good fit to work together!

Feel free to comment below! I’d love to here from you!


Lies, lies, lies…yeah..


A blog inspired by M&Ms and a friend…