Lies, lies, lies…yeah..

I got NOTHING done this week!

My brain has been telling me this all day yesterday and this morning.

But let me step back for a minute.

On Sunday afternoons, I sit w my journal and write out everything I want to do in the upcoming week.  Then,  I prioritize and put them on my calendar.   (Client appointments, doc appointments, and travel plans get added when the plans are made, and I fill the other stuff around them. )

This past Sunday was no different.  I planned everything out; it looked like a busy week, but I knew I could handle it. 

Aaaaaannnnndddd, life happened.  Unexpected stuff, annoying stuff, frustrating stuff.

Stuff like-

*The dryer saga continues …from waiting around for delivery men (why can’t they narrow the time window down?  7-7 is a ridiculous window!) to getting into an argument with the landlord, back and forth with many emails to the management office… and it’s still not settled yet.
(If you didn’t see my video on my FB page, you should click on this link…! It is in the “you can’t make this shit up” category!

*I unexpectedly had to take my car to the dealership to get inspected.
I planned to wait for it and work while I waited. However, I was told it wouldn’t be done until the next day, so I walked the 3 miles home while carrying my laptop (yes, I could’ve called a cab, but I usually walk…I’m stubborn that way LOL!).

And, yes…you guessed it.

1 hour after I got home, I got the text saying my car was ready… I walked the 3 miles back to get it.

*And, add longer wait times in doctors’ offices than I had planned (you’d think I’d learn to add some extra time for this!)

Anyway, that’s just a few things that threw me off my game this week.

Those things “took me away” from the things I had planned.

They were the reasons why I got nothing done.

But…is that true?  Did I really get nothing done?

I realized that thinking, “I got nothing done this week,” did not make me feel good.
I was clenching my jaw, huffing and puffing and pacing around.
I realized that I was feeling very frustrated, and that did not feel good.

Ok, it was time to grab my calendar and my list of goals for the week and see what really happened.

See if I can turn this feeling around!

These are the facts of what happened this week:
I got all 3 of my lifts in this week.
I had 2 1-hour coaching sessions with clients.
I had a session with my coach to talk about my business.
I attended a Mastermind session with my coach and 2 friends.
I met a friend for lunch.
Got about 30 miles of walking in.
Dealt with the dryer issue.
Handled the car issue.
Made dinner all week.
And I’m sure there are many other things I didn’t write down.

Well, look at that!

My brain was feeding me lies!

My brain focused on what “went wrong” this week instead of what went right!

That is what it does!

It was trying to save me pain, conserve my energy and seek pleasure.

But what it was telling me was not doing any of those things!

And, I knew I could change the thought and, therefore, the feeling if I wished.

This is why awareness is SO key!
I was aware that I did not like the way I was feeling.
I was aware that I could change that feeling if I wanted to.

That awareness helped me recognize that stopping and pausing for a minute would benefit me.
That awareness led me to look at my thoughts about the week.
That awareness helped me to remember to look at the facts!
That awareness helped me to see that I had, in fact, gotten quite a bit done!

Instead of feeling frustrated, I could feel accomplished (and exhausted! LOL!).

And that, my friends, is a much better feeling!!

As your coach, I can help you gain this awareness.
I can help you recognize what is true and what is not true.
I can help you see the facts.
I can help you see that you can change your thoughts and your feelings if you choose to do so.

Click on the link and schedule your free 30-minute consultation today!

Let’s see if we are a good fit to work together!


Friend or “Frenemy”?


Motivation, inspiration, desire…and lack thereof..