A reminder to slow the fuck down….

Every now and then, I am reminded that it would highly benefit me to slow down, get organized and NOT multitask!!! Yesterday and today, those reminders were truly staring me in the face!! Let’s step back to last week before I tell you what those reminders are.

Last week I most definitely was in rush around mode, not as organized as I thought I was, and was multitasking a lot every day. There were things I wanted to get done, and instead of taking the time to put things on my calendar and see what I actually had time to do (and do them well) I just wrote them on a piece of paper and kind of just winged it. I did get most of those things done…but, by just winging it there were…let’s say, some mishaps.

1) Yesterday….I had someone sign up for a free consultation for this afternoon. I was super excited and patted myself on the back until…I looked at my calendar. I totally forgot to block out the afternoon because I was taking my mom to a Broadway show. Shit!!! I’ve known about that show since last week! How did I forget to do that? What am I going to do? Welp, obviously, the right thing to do was to reach out to that prospective client and tell them that I had made a mistake and would not be available at that time. I absolutely hated to do that….but I sent her an email apologizing. I told her I was available anytime for her Friday through Sunday…day or night! She responded that it was ok, but she couldn’t talk over the weekend because she had plans…and that she would reach back out to me after the weekend. Fuck! Kicking myself here! I emailed her back to let her know that I am willing to open up my work hours to meet her needs and to contact me when she is ready.

2) Today…you are NOT going to believe this one! I looked in my Ticketmaster account for the tickets for today’s show. My account said that I didn’t have any tickets pending. Huh? I know I purchased them!! Where did they go? Well, upon further investigation, I see I purchased the tickets for LAST Wednesday!!!!! I just stared at my screen for a few minutes because I could not believe what I was seeing! My mom thought we were leaving in a few hours to see Hugh Jackman in Music Man, and the tickets were for last week!!!! Fuckity fuck fuck fuck!!!! After it finally sunk in what I had done I went onto other ticket websites and searched for tickets for today’s show. I was able to get 2, but….they aren’t as good as the seats I had purchased before, and well, obviously I have now paid more than I had anticipated! Big-time GROAN!!!!!!!

In retrospect, I realize that I was living in overwhelm and anxiety last week. I realize that just winging it and trying to do too many things all at the same time just does not work!!! If I were to evaluate last week in the “what didn’t work” line would definitely be that I did not organize my week properly. Looking back, I think I was telling myself that I didn’t need to take the time to do that…maybe even, that I didn’t have the time to do that. So, not taking the time to organize my time definitely resulted in me not using my time effectively (and in making a few mistakes!)!!

I know these things are not the end of the world, and it’ll all work out “as it should,” but that is not the person I want to be! I don’t want to have to tell prospective clients that I fucked up or possibly disappoint the important people in my life! I realize that I am human, and I make mistakes, but these things absolutely could have been avoided. 

So, what will I do differently?  I will do what I know works for me. I will slow down!! As tasks come up that I want to get done, I will write them on a piece of paper and keep a list.  On Sunday afternoon, I will sit down with my list and my calendar and plug those things into my week.  I will make sure to put my workouts on it, my work time, phone calls I want to make, etc.  I will also make sure not to plan things back to back to back I will leave time for meals, short walks, stretching…or whatever my body may need that day.  I will take the time to organize my time so I have the time to do things efficiently and without anxiety and overwhelm.  It's not hard! (I love that thought!)

If you sat down and evaluated your day or week, what would you find?  What worked for you?  What didn’t work for you?  Would you find that you were living in anxiety and overwhelm?  Would you find that you thought that you didn’t have enough time?   What can you do differently?  Even the slightest shift can have big results! 

Need help slowing down, getting organized, or stopping multitasking?  Not sure how to evaluate your day or your week?  Not sure how to shift or what to shift?  Let’s talk about it!  I can help you!!  xoxo


The things we can’t control…


Oh those thoughts!!!