My Christmas Kitchen

Both of my sons live in Colorado. Greg and I decided it was easier to fly to Colorado and visit with them for Christmas than to have them come home. I booked the cutest little Air B&B right in the center of town. I was pretty excited, but last week I started to feel a little sad because I had told myself I wasn’t going to get them any presents. My brain told me that we pay for everything for them so basically they didn’t “deserve” presents. They should be happy that we were flying out and were going to take them to really nice dinners. Well, as the time got closer I got sadder….but I wasn’t 100% sure why. I was lucky enough to be able to get coaching on it from my life coach. She asked me what did I want MY Christmas to look like. Forget about what I thought was “right” regarding the boys and what would make me happy on Christmas. I told her that I’d love to have them come to the Air B&B on Christmas late morning, have bacon and cinnamon rolls (our Christmas breakfast for many years), have some presents for them to open and then make tacos or something together for dinner. She said that it sounded wonderful and that’s what I should do then! I was like “YEAH! You’re right!” So, I picked up some presents, told the boys the plan and everyone was on board. Well….we got to our Air B&B yesterday afternoon and there is no kitchen!!! There is a small refrigerator, glasses, mugs and a coffee pot in the “foyer” area and a microwave and some dishes in the bedroom! I literally burst out laughing when I saw it!! I was like….“well, I guess we need to come up with another plan!” In the past I know I would’ve ruined my trip over this!!
My Unintentional Model
C- no kitchen in Air B&B
T- Christmas is ruined!
F- devastated
A- cried, whined to Greg, walked around like a chicken without a head, definitely would’ve over drank and probably gone out for some kind of cupcake or something, stayed up all night worrying, researching continuously to see what we can do instead, seriously fretted over the whole thing!
R- I would’ve ruined Christmas!

My Intentional Model
C- no kitchen in Air B&B
T- Well, I guess I’ll have to come up with plan 2!
F- humored
A- laughed, kind of shook my head and chuckled with Greg, text both the boys and have a good laugh with them about it (Nick is still so curious about how I could get something without a kitchen! LOL!), went for a nice walk with Alex before dinner, have a great dinner out, stick to my drink plan, don’t eat anything off plan, go to bed at a decent time, get a good night’s sleep, sit in Starbucks now and sip coffee while typing this, research some places that might be open tomorrow, consider telling the boys that one of us has to host us and make them draw straws or something! (LOL! Neither are prepared to have us come over and cook..Alex doesn’t have pots and pans and I’m sure Nick’s place is a mess!)
R- I’ll figure it out!

I LOVE the way I am handling this SO much better than I would’ve in the past! It’s going to work out the way it is supposed to whether I stress about it and overdrink or not! So, I choose to not stress and to stay present and take my time with my boys as it comes!
So, this is a reminder to not stress! Stay present, be true to yourself and your plan! Things will work out the way they are supposed too…and we all know that overdrinking does not make anything better!! I love you all!!!


Covid in Colorado


Oh, Christmas Tree…