Oh, Christmas Tree…

I know this is corny, but please bear with me! I was sitting and looking at these trees on my
mantel last night and had this thought come to me “My life is like these little trees”. Before
Life Coaching I was like the tree on the left....it was good, it was "decorated" and pretty, but
a little drab. I had two great kids, an awesome (albeit annoying sometimes! LOL!) husband,
amazing friends, a roof over my head and food in my belly. But, I was drinking way too
much and missing out (or forgetting) a lot of awesome things. I was cranky way more than I
wanted to be and just felt like something was “off”. Since working with my Life Coach, my
life is like the tree on the right. It is bright, beautiful and full of spark! I have all of the things
that I had before but SO much more! So much more because I am me again...I am not over
drinking every day, I am not waking up hating myself everyday, I am not saying "I'll do it
tomorrow" everyday. I am not super cranky and blaming my thoughts and feelings on my
husband or kids. I am here and present and taking advantage of every offer that is coming
my way! I am treating myself kindly even when I have "slip ups"! I take responsibility for my
thoughts and actions, I don’t blame my husband and kids for everything. I am lit up like that
tree!!! It continues to blow my mind every day!! With Life Coaching, you too can be like the
tree on the right....it takes work and it's not always fun...but believe me!!! It is SO absolutely
worth it!!!!! I believe in you!!


My Christmas Kitchen


Sunday Helper?!